The KCA & Kaharoa School community AED (automated external defibrillator) is in a cabinet located in the bus shelter outside the school.
2-8 September is Conservation Week.
This year’s theme calls on people to help the environment and species that make NZ special.
The Department of Conservation has shared a calendar of events for Rotorua and has highlighted their “Grab and Trap” pop-up event.
Wellington Phoenix will be hosting an Experience Camp in Tauranga on the 7-8th of October at Fergusson Park, between 9am-3pm.
“Our Experience Camps provide a unique opportunity for us to engage with young football enthusiasts from diverse communities across New Zealand. It serves as a platform for local talents to interact with Wellington Phoenix staff, offering them a glimpse into the life of New Zealand’s sole professional football academy. Moreover, it marks the initial step in our talent identification process. Promising players identified during these camps may be invited to join a Discovery Camp later in the year. Additionally, we’ll be conducting coaching and parent workshops aimed at fostering growth within football communities and bridging the gap between grassroots and academy-level football.”
Edventure Advanced Outdoors Camp (8-13yr olds) based at Ngamuwahine Lodge, Tauranga, Monday 7th Oct - Fri 11th Oct. $675 (full week). 50 Spaces available on the bus.
“The second week of the school holidays brings you a NEW Venue and another set of amazing Edventure experiences. This week-long camp is for children of all ages looking for a mix of our usual fun outdoors activities with the option of some ‘challenge by choice’ activities on Ngamuwahine Lodge’s (owned by Tauranga Intermediate) high ropes and rock climbing wall. You will have the option of sleeping in bivouacs, tents or cabins (or mix it up!). We have access to: bush walks, swimming holes, mountain bikes, kayaks, paintball, laser tag, as well as archery, air-rifle, outdoor cooking and much more!”
File Download: Edventure_Flyer_to_schools-October.pdf
Music & Movement Ngongotaha is back for Term 3!
Join us with your preschoolers for a fun hour of music, dancing, storytime, bean bags, instruments, poi, bubbles, parachute and more!
Contact Tabea (0220184316) or check the Facebook page in case of cancelation due to sickness.
See the flyer for more details.
File Download: Music__Movement_2024.pdf
Unlock Your Child’s Creativity
Join me for an exciting and fun-filled journey into the world of watercolour painting. Young artists will explore the vibrant and magical world of watercolour, learning essential techniques and creating beautiful artworks they can be proud of.
Contact Kiri Honey directly at 0212844999 to secure your spot.
Please see the notice below from Higgins regarding road works on SH36 (Tauranga Direct Road) starting on 5 August between Mangorewa Gorge and Hamurana.
File Download: SH36_Roadworks_Notice.pdf
Kia ora Yoga Students,
Jenny Lux is back and offering another term of yoga classes in Term 3. Monday evenings 6.30pm-7:30pm, starting from 05 August 2024.
Jogging the Powerpoles is a free fitness club striving to get families moving for health and sanity through beginner running, swimming and triathlon.
As of 12 June, they are starting ‘Explore the Forest by Night’ sessions on Wednesday nights from the Redwoods. See their flyer attached.
File Download: Explore_the_Forest_by_Night.pdf
Please find attached below a list of the schools where dental teams are currently located (as at March 2024).
If you like to make an appointment, please call 0800 525 378.
File Download: COHS_Clinic_and_MDU_Term_1_-_2024.pdf
File Download: Dental_Provider_List_for_Adolescents_2024.pdf
Rotorua Junior tennis is back on every Friday for the coming term.
No experience or equipment needed, come along and give it a go. We have juniors as young as 4 and as old as 17. Come along and bring some friends.
Friday is Junior “Club night” and we kick off at 3:30 after school with our younger groups (primary and younger, or new players at intermediate). If you are interested, please get in touch with Debra - / 021335492 and just show up a few minutes before 3:30 and we will sort you into a group to have a go.
File Download: Junior_Flyer_-_Rotorua_Tennis_Club.jpg
Do you know a girl who would like to have fun and learn new skills as part of an up-to-date organisation in your local area?
The Kaharoa Tennis Club plays at the School on Tuesday evenings at 7pm, October to May.
We welcome new players and cater for all levels. Subs are $20.
For further information please contact Joanne Wallace (Secretary)
Mobile: 0274 904 105 or Email:
File Download: Kaharoa_Tennis_Club_Flier_%2821.9.23%29_.pdf
Rotorua Badminton Club offer junior and youth badminton sessions on Wednesday evenings 4-5:30pm during school terms at the Rotorua Badminton Hall, 24 Tarewa Place, Rotorua.
File Download: Early_Juniors_Poster_230824_094356.pdf
My name is Kelsie and I am an ex-student of Kaharoa School and still living in the area. I am offering beginner piano lessons starting from $20 per lesson.
If you are interested, please contact Kelsie by phone or text on 02108573505 or 073322803