2-8 September is Conservation Week.
This year’s theme calls on people to help the environment and species that make NZ special.
The Department of Conservation has shared a calendar of events for Rotorua and has highlighted their “Grab and Trap” pop-up event.
Envirohub BOP and DIY Shed Rotorua, Linton Park West Care group and DOC are hosting a pop-up Grab a Trap event.
This is a great opportunity to grab a trap and trap box for your backyard, business, or school yard. Have a chat with Lucy from Envirohub BOP about how to become involved in the Predator Free initiative. Find out what happens at DIY Shed Rotorua and how you can join. Talk to Linda and the team from the Linton Park West Care Group about the conservation work they are doing. Catherine from DOC will be there with free trapping booklets to take away. Please park on the road.
Learn more about Conservation Week events and actions on the DOC website – www.conservationweek.org.nz