Kaharoa kids learning some first aid…

posted: Thu, November 11, 2021

Annette from St Johns visited school this week. She dropped into each class and ran an age-based first aid session. Here is a note and some photos from Room Matai about their visit from Annette.

This week Annette from St John’s came to our school to teach us about how to respond if a “fall emergency” happened from our school playground and our friend became unconscious. We looked at what to do if it happened in school time AND if we were playing at a playground on our own out of school hours. Next we looked at what to do if someone “fell on some glass” or fell off their bike and there was blood and our friend was unconscious. We practiced Pack it, Wrap it, Raise it with some bandages. Finally Annette told us what to do if our grandparent had a stroke. We got a special card with FAST instructions on it to take home and put on our grandparents fridge.

We all got certificates to say we had learned some first aid skills!

Thank you Annette!

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