We have been considering your feedback around our graduate profile and school values collected late last year. We are looking to reorganise our current 8 values into 4 while maintaining their strength. Our reorganised values will revolve around… Mana is respect for self, others, and the environment. It is who you become, the energy you have from the choices and decisions you make which forms your character. Mana is a force within that is a source for both personal and collective strength and identity. [Read More...]
Please find below our Snapshot for 11 September.
File Download: 11_Sept_24_Snapshot.pdf
Please find our Snapshot below.
File Download: 5_Sept_24_Snapshot.pdf
Please have a read of our attached newsletter dated 28 August 2024 for the latest school news and upcoming events. We are pleased to advise the PTA have set a new date for the Kaharoa Cull Pest Hunt which is now going to be held on 13-15 September. Don’t forget Daffodil Day this Friday! We are asking students to bring a gold coin donation and dress up in yellow to be in to win “best dressed” for each class!
File Download: 28_Aug_24_Kaharoa_News.pdf
2-8 September is Conservation Week. This year’s theme calls on people to help the environment and species that make NZ special. The Department of Conservation has shared a calendar of events for Rotorua and has highlighted their “Grab and Trap” pop-up event.
Kaharoa School PTA presents their Kaharoa Cull for 2024! The hunting period will run from 9am Friday 13 September to 9am Sunday 15 September. Weigh-in starts at 10am and all animals must be at school by 11am to be eligible for prize categories. Weigh-in will be held on the field at the back of Kaharoa School. Everyone is welcome to come along to watch count-up/weigh-in from 10am on Sunday - there will be a sausage sizzle, food and drinks, Mr Whippy, bouncy castle, games and activities for the kids! Competition rules and information, together with the registration form can be found in the below document. Tickets are $15 per adult and $5 per child.
File Download: A5_Kaharoa_cull_flyer_update_SEPT.pdf
Our school is proud to be supporting the Cancer Society this Daffodil Day on Friday 30th August. 1 in 3 New Zealanders will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. With free access to important resources including specialist advice and information, transport to treatment, and accommodation when undergoing treatment far from home, the Cancer Society ensures that none of them have to go through cancer alone. Your support helps to fund cancer prevention policy and life-saving cancer research and to provide support and hope to cancer patients and their whānau from diagnosis through to post-treatment. On Friday 30th August we are asking all students to bring a gold coin donation,...
Please find below our Snapshot dated 14 August.
File Download: 14_Aug_24_Snapshot.pdf
Please find below our newsletter dated 7 August which was emailed today to all families and a hard copy sent home. This issue includes the Fridge Poster again - post it up and have a read to see what is coming up this Term at Kaharoa!
File Download: 7_Aug_24_Kaharoa_Newsletter.pdf
Western Heights High School invites prospective parents and their Year 8 children to attend an Open Evening at Western Heights High School from 5.30pm on Tuesday 20 August 2024. Our Year 8s will attend an Orientation Day at WHHS on Wednesday, 21 August.
Rotorua Lakes High School offers a range of promotional events allowing prospective 2025 students and whanau a chance to experience the school and what it has to offer. Of particular note: Open Day - RLHS invites Yr8s interested in attending in 2025 to join us at 9.15am in our Auditorium on Tuesday 27th August for our Open Day. Students will join students from other intermediates, to rotate between four sessions experiencing different learning areas of the school. Please bring your own morning tea and lunch will be provided. They will be ready to be collected at 2.30pm. Parents - please arrange your own transport to RLHS and let the office know that they will be away from Kaharoa via...
File Download: RLHS_Orientation_poster_2024._%281%29_.png
Rotorua Boys High School is offering the following 2025 enrolment events: Open Evening for whanau who are interested in their son attending RBHS in 2025: Tuesday 6th August, 5:30pm Open Day for interested students: Friday 17th August, 9am-2:40pm. Their letter is below with details about this day. Please arrange your own transport to the Open Day for your son and let the office know they will not be at school that day in the usual way, via the school app or a telephone call. Orientation Day: Wednesday 6th of November - for students enrolled for 2025.
File Download: Contributing_Schools_-_Open_Day_Letter_2024.pdf
Please find below our Snapshot dated 30 July which was emailed to all families on that date. This Snapshot includes a reminder for timetable changes on Wednesday, 31 July and Thursday, 1 August due to parent-teacher interviews.
File Download: 30_Jul_24_Snapshot.jpg
Please see the attached letter provided to all families along with school reports last term. The letter sets out the booking information for interviews and also timetable changes for the Wednesday and Thursday.
File Download: Parent_Teacher_Interviews_Term_3_2024.pdf
Please find below our Snapshot for 24 July 2024.
File Download: 24_July_24_Snapshot.pdf
Please see the notice below from Higgins regarding road works on SH36 (Tauranga Direct Road) starting on 5 August between Mangorewa Gorge and Hamurana.
File Download: SH36_Roadworks_Notice.pdf